Covid-19 message from Southwest Surf House

 Southwest Surf House will stay open for business, however, we’re also committed to preventing the further spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Read the following article for more information regarding travel tips if you have planned or are currently planning a surf trip to France.

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 Southwest Surf House provides boutique accommodation, surf guiding and learn to surf lessons to travellers all over the world. As such, we’ve been following the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the travel industry with great interest. One thing that we have noticed is that the global situation is changing from one day to the next. This means that all we can do is keep you up to date with our own situation via social media.

How will this affect our operations

As far as staying open goes, we plan to operate as we normally would, albeit with a few new precautionary measures put in place. Based on our understanding there is no need to panic, but since we are part of a broader community, we must also be prudent in our actions. So please, don’t freak out, Southwest Surf House is still here to offer unforgettable surfing experiences in France. If there are any positives to take from this situation, surely it is that this is a rare opportunity to score some uncrowded waves.

What we’re doing to ensure your safety 

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At this point in time, we would like to stress that the safety of our guests and our employees is paramount. More than ever we need to be vigilant when it comes to upholding high standards for hygiene. We currently hold a 5-Star rating for cleanliness on Trip Advisor, but even we aren’t hanging out hats on this achievement. All guests and staff will need to follow our safety protocols. This includes:

 ·       Washing hands frequently with soap

·       Maintaining distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing

·       No touching of your eyes, nose or mouth

·       Use single use tissues and dispose of after use

·       Letting us know immediately if you begin to feel ill

·       Not shaking hands or greeting people with kisses on the cheek

 How to stay informed while travelling

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We care deeply about your safety and understand if you are concerned about an upcoming surf trip to France. Given this pervasive atmosphere of uncertainty, many travellers are in the same position as you at this very moment. If you are at all hesitant as to whether or not you should continue travelling here, please reach out to us directly for updates. We are happy to share any travel alerts or warnings with you. More importantly though, we will give you the facts from the ground, which will help you cut through the often-erroneous mass media reports.

Why we believe in going about business as usual

 The decision to continue operating was not easy, but we strongly believe that Southwest Surf House can offer somewhat of a sanctuary for those looking to escape the crazy. Of course, we do not want to contribute to the spread of the virus. For this reason, we recommend that anyone who has booked a surf trip to France with us and has only recently returned from a high-risk area to consider rescheduling. This includes the following countries and regions:

·       China (mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao)

·       Singapore

·       South Korea

·       Iran

·       Lombardy and Veneto regions of Italy

At the end of the day we will do our best to address your concerns. Over the years we as a planet have had to face many challenges; challenges that we always come out of stronger and with a deeper sense of purpose. We are confident that we can overcome this challenge together, too. 

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